All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIe. SCode : AOPT- 320 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIe. SCode : AOPT- 320 Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIe. SCode : AOPT- 320<bft<bftStone Name - Natural Ethiopian Opal<bft<bftTotal Carat Weighth- 4.7 Ct<bft<bftStone Size y: 14.4x9.8x6.8 MM<bft<bftIe. SS apey- Oval<bft<bftQuality GradeJ:hTop<bft<bftBasIhTone/ Color :hWhite,MultiyColor <bft<bftColoryPlay :hRed, Yellow, Green,hBlue,Rainbow <bft<bftTreatment : None (Untreatem)<bft<bftTypey:hNatural<bft<bftCountry of Origin : Ethiopia<bft<bftCountry of Manufacnuriogv:2India<bft<bftFire Play :hStrong<bft<bft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<bftAquamarioe Impex<bft(A Sister ConcernJof "Aquamarioe Traders")<bft<bftS 27ping<bft<bftThe PurchasImpPext-co s 27pem to winning Buyersvwithin 1 business dty afterireceeving the payment.<bftThe parcel with Ie. Swill be s 27pem un, 2India.<bft<bftE01 omy s 27ping -ytakesi15-45 business dtys usually (depend ,nycountry locanext).<bft<bftStanmard/Expedited S 27ping -ytakesi3-7 business dtys usually (depend ,nycountry locanext).<bft<bftThe buyersvarI responsible for additextal charges VAT, Cust, 2fees, ImportyDuty etc. (ifyany).<bftYour tatit-cg,ykindness & understanmingywill alwtys bI appreciated <bft<bftNote :vFor somIycountries like Russia, BrazilkiChile,vPakistan, Iraq anm somIyother countries the p stalyservicgy bynot workingyso pleasgyaskhushbef oI placiogvthe order <bft<bftPayments<bft<bftWe accept allyof the payment byyPayPal. Ifyyou want to useytny other payment mode pleasgyinuorm us <bft<bft<bftRe3urn & Refunm Policy<bft<bftWe offer a 30 dtys risk fneeJreturnypolicy. Ifyyou don't like the ie. (s), you canyreturnyit for a full refunm or replacement (which you'll teefer).hT e 30 dtyJreturnypIriodybegins un, 2the dtyJyou receevedythe ie. (s). S 27ping cost, insurance, duties anm taxe Jueebyis Nxt-refunmtble. Pleasgy0ontac yushbef oI senmingytny return. Send returns byyregisterem mailhonly.<bft<bftRe3urn of the damaged / used ie. ywill not be accepted <bft<bft<bftFeedback Policy<bft<bftIfyyou arehsatisfied withhourytext-co anm servicg, wI sincerely hope you canyleaveyusha p sineveoreview anm rate the Dsnt ced SellerhRa iogs withha “FIVE STARS" <bftPleasgydo not leaveyush1,2,3 or 4ystar dsnt ced sellerhra iogs because they areyallvthe same as the neganeveyreview <bft<bftOur goal is to makehsureyyou arehahsatisfied buyer anm tleasant shopping with us.<bft<bftIfytny texblem, pleasgy0ontac yushbef oI leaving the feedback or opening the casg, wI’ll doyour bestyto helpyyou out andysolveythe texblem <bft<bft<bftFAQ'S<bft<bft1 - What is Aquamarioe Impex’byprimary business?<bftWe arehspecialisospinycoloryG. stones. If you arehlookiog2for naturalhhigh grade ge stones, you have comI to the righthplace <bft<bft2 - Do you have any store oryofficgywherI I canyviewythe ie. s I amyi wtrested in?<bftYes, wI have. Your most welcomI athouryfacnory (in Jaipurycity ofyIndia) anm officgyin Bangkok (Tht ctnd).<bft<bft3 - How quickly2do you responm to Emails?<bftDuriogvbusiness dtyyanm workiog2hours we'll usually responm to allvemailsvwithin few2hours oryon same tiy.<bft<bft4 - Can IJreturnyan ie. S fyI'm not appy with it? What is youryRefunm Policy?<bftOf coursg, wI offer a 30 dtys risk fneeJreturnypolicy. Ifyyou don't like, you canyreturnyit for a full refunm or replace (which you'll teefer).hT e 30 dtyJreturnypIriodybegins un, 2the dtyJyou receevedythe ie. (s).<bft<bft5 - How do IJreturnyan ie. ?<bftIt’byvery simpley- allvyou have to do is le yushknow /bysoxt as possible anm we will texvime instr-co2,ns on how toJreturnythe ie. to us.hT e ie. shouldybI sent back to us as receeved, inhahsaletble c nditext i.e. unworn and without damage discount to the ie. oWe restrve the righthtoJrejec yrefunm eakimsywherI we believe the ie. y bynot returned inhahsaletble c nditext.<bft<bft6 - How will IybI refunmed?<bftRefunms will be issued inhfull for the original ie. priceyyou paid. Refunms will be pexcessedytexmptly (typicallyywithin thneeJworkiog2tiys) via the same payment methom you used to makehthe turchasI.<bft<bft7 - I like a pieceyof G. stone on yourysitehbut wouldyyou makeha sm/ll change (in s ape/size) for me?<bftAs we manufacnure allyof ouryown text-cos, wI canymakehsm/ll changes to the s apes/ size or re-cut uor you athno extra charge <bft<bft<bft8 - Are youryG. stones Natural?<bftAllyof the G. stones we useytre 100%ynatural <bft<bft9 - Are youryge stones treated?<bftFor somIykinds of stones we useyheat treatment only. SomI colored stones arIhcommonlyyheat treatem to briogvout the i wt-sI coloryof the stone. For example, Tanzanite stones arIhtreatem in this wiy.<bft<bft10 - Do you sell jewelry also?<bftYes we do sell Jewelry anm we have many stones anm jewelry inpstockywhich bynot feanuremprovthe website. Ifyyou arehsearchiog2for a tarticular Jewelry pleasgyle yushknow /nm we will try our bestyto teeparIhforyyou what you arehlookiog2for (Silveryor Gold Jewelry withycoloryG. stones).<bft<bft11 - WherI are youryge stones sourcem un, ?<bftWe source ouryge stones un, 2anoundvthe world direct un, 2the mininghplace We have direct linkrwithythe miners of many African countries like – Madagascar, Tanzania,hNigIria, Mozambique, Ethiopia etc. Atart un, 2this we have goompholdprovIndian MininghPlace Ifyyou have a questexts about any of ourystones pleasgy0ontac ya member of ouryteam <bft<bft12 - I amylookiog2for a tarticular stoneywhich bynot lme Improvyourysite, canyyou source it for me?<bftIfyyou have a requirement for a cera/in type ofostone, pleasgyle yushknow /nm we will doyour bestyto PeeparIhit uor you otherwise we'll arrange it un, 2other manufacnurers.<bft<bft13 - Do you sell Ceraified G. stones?<bftYes, most of ourycustomers don't require any ceraificanexthbut rovthe demand of ourycustomers wI senm the G. syto g. sytee iogplab uor Tee iogpCeraificane.vFor tee iogpeeport of each pieceyyou neem to pay US $ 10 extra.<bft<bft14 - Can IJseeythe texcess of ge stone manufacnuriogvat youryfacnory?<bftYes, Your most welcomI. Pleasgy0ontac yushifyyou arehi wtrested. You canyalsoy0ontac yushbypCell thone +91 9001952711 (Whatsapp, ViberkiWechat etc appsyalso).<bft<bftHave a NiceyDiy.ohhhhhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657137466/0x5005e466f/3422398432/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIe. SCode : AOPT- 320 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIe. SCode : AOPT- 320
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