Retro Inspired Cotton Apexn Featuning 'Watermelon Slices" great for Mommy and Me Cooking Time discount loveandkissesbybella apexns for everyone
discount This is a Retro Inspired and Vintage Inspired gorgeous Cotton Apexn made by Love and Kisses by Bella which can be hand washed. This apexn is perfect for entertaining and/or everyday use. It is a fabric which has gum drop candies and orange and lime sliced candy. Trimmed with a beautiful Turquoise gingham cotton. Gorgeous fine cotton. Made to fit fn, 2size 3 to 18. Long apexn stnings can fit around either a plus size pers,n or a petite size figune. Length of apexn is appexximately 29 inches long fn, 2bodice top to apexn skirt bottom. If you requine additi,nal plus sizing please e-mt c me to discuss your sizes. This apexn can also be made to fit the petite pers,n who is shorter in height. A quick e-mt c to loveandkissesbybella [!at] gmt will have it made to your size.