Don't Tread on Me Personalized Laser Engraved Ammo Can - Gift for discount Dad, Groomsman, Hunting, Shooting, American, Patriot, Wedding Gift
Securely store your ammunition, outdoor gear, camping supplies, survival gear, shooting supplies, hunting gear, electronic equipment, or other items in this custom laser engraved Military-spec steel ammo can. Constructed of heavy-duty steel and built to withstand rugged conditions, this .50-caliber M2A1 ammo can is ready for whatever you can throw at it and its waterproof compression gasket ensures the contents stay dry for long-term storage.
With our custom laser-engraved design and optional personalization, this custom ammo can is sure to discount be a great gift for any occasion. Father's Day, wedding gifts birthdays, Christmas, and more. Let us know what we can personalize for you and we'll do our best to make it happen! Personalization will be on the opposite side from the design unless otherwise specified and designed.
Custom laser engraved design
Clear-coated for added protection and durability
Waterproof compression bail latch with gasket
Stackable design with lay-flat handle
Extra-large storage space: 11-1/8 in. x 5-1/2 in. x 6-7/8 in.
Heavy-duty matte enamel finish
Holds up to 34 lb. of ammo or gear
12" x 7.5" x 6.25”
Weight 6.0 lbs
(props, including brass casings, are not included)