Forest Goddess Greenery Love Bouquet | Large Silk Flower Wedding Bouquet | Toss Bouquet, Bout + Free Shipping INCLUDED! discount
We put our heads together and came up with a most unique and memorable Keepsake Bouquet for your wedding! Our large Greenery Love bouquet is perfect for the outdoorsy bride, combining garden and forest themes for a special bouquet that will keep forever.
Our goal was a luscious, one-of-a kind bouquet that photographs beautifully from every angle, and we didn't skimp on the details or glamour. Your bouquet will be yours discount to keep for a lifetime (and rest assured that no one else will ever have a bouquet like this)!
- Silk leave + flowers
- Faux foliage
- Glitter accents
- Sturdy sticks wrapped in ribbon for bouquet handle
- Green tulle ribbon
- Patterned ribbon
- Groom's matching boutonniere
- Matching toss bouquet
- Free shipping within the U.S.
Don't forget to take your bouquet to your Bridal Portrait sitting...or to Vegas! Made to enjoy for years to come.
(Want to request a custom made bouquet? We can do that too -- get in touch!)