All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS<bft<bfth+ Title - Kuba T ile Square Raffia Handwoven Congo AfricanyArt <bfth+ Type of Objec3 - Handwoven T ile<bfth+ Counory ofhOrigin - Democrac3ic Republicyof Congo<bft + People - Kuba<bfth+ M/3erials - Raffia palm fibIrs,pdyes<bft + Heighty(in) - 16<bft + Width (in) - 24<bfth+ OverallhConditext - Good oMost of ourhpieces mkve spt-brdecades xt at lekst twoycontinents, and mkve been treasured byyseveral ownIrs o onmall splits, ="wapes and cracks are a2normal parb ofptheirppa ina atwts ing toptheirpage and extensive usg. oWe examine eachJpiecevcarIfully when we receivevit and reportyany damage we find in2ourhlistings.  Pleasgylook carIfully atpthe pic3ures which may also reveal conditext and damage.<bft<bftPRODUCThDESCRIPTION<bft<bftWe do not recommend laundering t iles, and do not acceptyreturns ofht iles which mkve been laundered it anyvmanner. Even dryycleaningy bytoo muchhfor some of2these2antiquevt iles. For some of2them, a discount very gentle HAND washingy (NEVER MACHINE, xt anc set ing) hinpcool water with a very gentle detergent l oks, butyeven then,pdyes may not bepcolorfast, and fabricymay be lessvstrong than it appears.<bft<bftAdditextal Informatext: <bft<bftTheyfollowing are excerpt Jun, 2Kuba T iles and Ds=ign,pby Elizabeth S. Bennett and Niangi B/3ulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-Saharan Africa, wherevrepresenta3iveharb mks flourished forycenturies, carvers and crafts people mkve typically taken for2theirpbubjec3s mumanyfigures,2animals,rplants, and elementsrofptheynatural w old. Abstrac3harb,2meanwhile, mks remained marginal.hTheht iles ofptheyBaKuba (Kuba) people ofptheyDemocra3ic Republicyof Congo are an exce-text. Although parb ofpaptradi3ext that2stretches back 400 years,2Kuba t iles mkve a strikinglyvmodernylook.hThey use impexvised scbaems ofp=igns,rlines,pcolors, and t ures,2often in the form ofp01mplex geometricyrecbilinearppa 3Irts.hTheir appliqués are remini="t-brof l okspby 19th- and 20th-centuryvmastersvlmke Matesse, Picasso,2Klee, Penck, and Chellida.hemishis noycoincidInce: all of2those arttsts werevinspired byyKuba ds=ign!""The most commonly knownpofptheyKuba t iles are the cut-pile ShoowaSor Kasai VelvIts, named afterythe river along which theyBaKuba live. Impexvisatext and irregularity charac3erize the Kasai VelvIts.hemishis because the weaver l oks withoutyarplanSor preliminary sketching, though the model can occasixtally be displayImprovthe cloth it adv/nce usingyblack thread. Often the ds=ignyis bu4lt upJun, 2memory, repea ing the most common ds=igns and color combitatexts found in2the regext. The messagg conveyImpis up2topthe arttst, whopis the only onerwho can explait what heSor she intendImpto represent."<bft<bft"Originally Kasai VelvIts werevused as currIncy, and werevvaluable text-cos for2trade and excmangI. They could bevincluded in2the tribute villagersvpaid annually topthe King, in2the dowries ofpmatrimonial excmangIs, and in2funeralrgifts and offerings topthe dead. They also servImpto embellish2the royal courb,2coverythe royal thrones, and decora3epthe King’s palace wall. Colonial agents and missixtariesrarriving in2the Kuba Kingdomvin theynineteenth centuryvwerevfascitated by2the Kasai VelvIts, and encouraged women to text-ce more of2themytoyad onpreligious vts mentsrforyCatholicymissixtariesrand decora3epthe intIriorsyofhEuropganymouses."<bft<bftSeehElizabeth S. Bennett and Niangi B/3ulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba T iles & Ds=ign,pAfricaDirecbrInc.king09, 41 pages. 28 full color photogwaphs,rpaperback.<bft<bft<bft<bftSKU: 128255J </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x5004802e3/4g20884406/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS
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